Your Privacy Matters to Us!

We keep the personal data you provide during the ordering process (e.g., e-mail address, postal address, phone number, etc) strictly private! We do not sell, lease or otherwise divulge the information to anyone else. Period. In fact, we do not use the information ourselves after the order has been processed. We will not even send you updates concerning our own products unless you explicitly send us an e-mail requesting to be kept up-to-date.

Your credit card number is also handled safely and securely. Our e-commerce partner, Plimus, receives your credit card number via SSL encryption to ensure secure transit. Plimus' record of securely handling credit card transactions for thousands of other merchants was an important factor in our decision to partner with them. See the Plimus privacy policy.

Please feel free to contact us at with any questions you may have concerning the privacy and security of your personal data.


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