Box Cover Window


Contents    Living Scenes Jigsaw Puzzles


The Box Cover Window displays a representation of the completed jigsaw puzzle.  It provides a guide for completing the current puzzle just like box cover images of traditional cardboard jigsaw puzzles.


The easiest method for displaying the Box Cover Window is to simply move the mouse over the box cover thumbnail image in the control panel.  When the mouse pauses over the thumbnail image the Box Cover Window automatically pops up.  If the mouse is moved away from the thumbnail image the Box Cover Window automatically disappears.  This "no click" method of viewing the box cover image allows the player to quickly refer to the box cover as often as desired with a minimum of effort.


Clicking on the box cover thumbnail image in the control panel causes the Box Cover Window to remain in view even after the mouse is moved away from the thumbnail image.  In this case, the Box Cover Window also displays a toolbar with the following functions:


Enlarge:  Enlarges the box cover image to the actual puzzle size.


Print:  Prints the box cover image.  This button is disabled if a printer can not be detected.


About Puzzle: Displays a description of the current puzzle.  The button is disabled if no description is provided.


Close: Closes the box cover image window.